2009年5月30日 星期六

Question 2

1. The Sales department and the Warehouse (Inventory) department are intergrated within the Order-to-Delivery process.

(1) Salesperson access SAP's real time inventory data to confirm the item are in stock.
(2) Salesperson create the sales order, the software automatically alert the warehouse department for same day delivery.
(3) Warehouse department drill down for complete order details, assemble the order by using the Pick and Pack features. Each printer is assigned for a unique serial no. for future tracking. Then print the delivery note and packing slip for shipment
(4) Once the shipment is pick up carrier, the software automatically update the order status, so the sale department is updated of the status of the order.

3. ERP software allows a company to automate and integrate the majority of its business process; share common data and practices across the enterprise; allow the same date to be used by multiple functions and business processes; produce and access information in a real-time environment.
When a business is growing and expanding, more people and department will work for the company, for example: Manufacturing, Marketing, Sales, Finance and accounting, human resources. The communication among different department will be difficult by using different software and time consuming as with non-intergrated data, the data will have differenct meanings and inconsistent data definitions. ERP softward can help to solve the above problem.
Today, many company are having on-line ecommerce business, if the company is considering to go online and remain competitive in the industry, an ERP software is a must for the company to access information in a real-time environment.

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